Friday, January 07, 2005

Brave New World

Well, at least it was four or five years ago.

The national press has spoken, and "bloggers" are now considered the most influential people in the world, just after the Tool in the White House and Hindu cows. Never one to miss a trend, I have decided to expand my website - - in order to more effectively provide content to my supporters (Mom, Kevin... thank you).

I have created three distinct blogs in order to put the incoherent thoughts spewed from my addled brain into some sort of order:
  1. The H.G. Miller Blog - This will be a 'catch-all' for general observations on my life and popular culture
  2. H.G. Miller Sports Blog - The focus here will be the Kansas City Royals, but I will also include commentary on the Chiefs and Jayhawks
  3. H.G. Miller Political - When I feel the urge to go all 'Blue State,' I'll do so here

More information about this new setup can be found on the main website. The main page will also contain links to each of the new blogs.

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